The second chapter in the series Love, You. This chapter recounts my emotions of falling and finding my way while my husband was deployed.

a self portrait

The first in a series of letters to myself. A Silent Battle reminds me of my strength; and while I may feel lonely, I know I am not alone.

How I came to be a photographer and storyteller of life, love and adventures. A journey of rediscovery and purpose.

Home is a place I continuously long for, yet home can be anywhere you want it to be. Here’s a poem of my thoughts on Home.

Lately it seems that the state of our world is longing for a little hope. Here’s a poem of thoughts while driving along Hwy 62.

I took a road trip through Lone Pine, and it unexpectedly pulled at my heart strings, making me yearn for simpler days. Here’s a narrative of my thoughts on Lone Pine.

copyright 2023 annie louise wilkins

follow along @annielouisewilkins

annie louise